Corporate Social Responsibility
Sustainability Report 2021 | Barentz North America
As a market leader in the specialty chemical and ingredients distribution industry, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility are extremely important topics for Barentz North America, LLC. We are excited as you continue with us on our Corporate Social Responsibility journey and highlight what we’ve accomplished, and our plans for future improvement. As with past Sustainability Reporting, this document will highlight Barentz North America, LLC’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and will provide a high-level overview of the programs we employ to ensure Corporate Social Responsibility remains at the forefront of our operations.
The Corporate Social Responsibility journey never ends. In addition to discussing our existing programs, we will highlight our areas of focus for the coming years. We are striving to leverage our technical expertise and broad product portfolio to increase quality and length of life. We are continually working to identify highly innovative products to offer to our customers.